In 2016, Microsoft rearchitected SQL Server, working to compartmentalize most of the core OS-specific dependencies and allowing multiplatform support (they called this approach a platform abstraction layer). Learn about what the versatility of Linux, the scalability and reliability of cloud services, and the power of SQL Server databases can do to help enterprises keep up in a data-driven economy. As data workloads increase both in volume and complexity, this approach to task management begins to affect performance.
Sequel pro linux windows#
Windows approaches this differently, by switching between multiple threads in fractions of a second. Linux systems are both multitasking and multiuser, which allows for multiple operations to be run by multiple users simultaneously. This led to a new focus for running SQL Server on Linux. However, within the past decade, the overall tech landscape has been shifting, with an increasing need to achieve high availability and high performance with demanding workloads as well as a better user experience and rich feature sets. Most organizations tend to favor either a Windows or a Linux environment. Windows, on the other hand, has typically focused on the graphical user interface and more user-friendly workflows. There are also different administrative approaches between Linux environments and Windows environments, with Linux focusing more on direct interaction with configuration and service settings and offering robust command-line operations and functions for administrators. There are fundamental differences in how Windows Server and Linux operating systems manage storage, define filesystems, and manage users and operations.

Additionally, common authorization and access controls can be applied, which can make it easier to define and manage security for the database. However, T-SQL extensions can access SQL Server-specific features and even administer the database itself. Microsoft's approach allows both applications and servers to be managed with the same tools (mssql-tools) and simplifies remote administration. Most databases are managed through separate configuration tools, so some other tooling or application layer is required to access and manage the data. The sqlcmd command line facilitates T-SQL statements, procedures and files. SQL Server supports extensions to the SQL language, known as Transact SQL (T-SQL). There are several editions of SQL Server, including Enterprise, Standard, Web, Developer, and Express. This approach to data models allows for both complexity and clarity in how the data is managed, which is why SQL databases are still the preferred implementation for many organizations today. It is used for structured data, meaning that the different elements of the data have a defined model for what their properties are and how they relate to each other. Popular versions of SQL Server include SQL Server 2017 (mssql-server-2017) and SQL Server 2019 (mssql-server-2019). It is the world’s leading relational database management system thanks to its ease of administration, common security and authorization settings, and centralized tooling.

Microsoft SQL Server was developed specifically for Microsoft Windows and first launched in 1993.

SQL (usually pronounced "sequel") stands for Structured Query Language, a programming language used for storing and processing data within a relational database.