Olly confront a "sea monster'- the giant octopus of Kraken fame. However, when Skid is damaged taking Doug down into the Deep Trench, Olly and Beth must pool their knowledge and their courage to mount a rescue. Olly and Beth are training for their deep sea diving certificates while Skid continuously reminds them he is already certified. Then Skid obtains a powerful prototype magnetic device from Shankley - which he immediately misuses - and he soon finds himself covered in all things metal, including Olly! Now Olly and Skid must cooperate to get themselves out of this mess!

But when a huge bloom of choking, red algae causes all sorts of problems for the sea life on and in the harbour, Suzy helps out- and discovers in the process that her unique ability to fly is equally amazing! Olly and Skid are having a difficult time cooperating. Suzy feels bad that her friends can all function beneath the sea and she can't. Beth, Olly, and Skid soon discover that the ship isn't haunted- but it is dangerous. Skid challenges Olly to stay over-night on the haunted shipwreck, despite warnings from Doug to stay away from the place. He learns the hard way that it won't.īeth doesn't want to admit she's not performing up to par because she fears missing on exciting assignment from Doug. Olly hopes remaining silent will make the problem go away. Olly accidentally breaks some fragile coral that Uma has warned him to be mindful of. When their side trip gets the duo in trouble, they come up with a plan to get back where they need to be and finish the job. In the process of doing a job that Olly finds boring, he spots a rare fish and convinces Beth to abandon the job to take chase. Tunnel Vision / I Thought I Saw a Sea Serpent This page is currently in construction, or in the process of being modified right now.